Are you on a business travel? Learn how you can protect your back from long hours of travel | Light Chiropractic Review

Are you flying for a business trip? Long hour of sitting or carrying heavy luggage can be a disaster to your back, leading to problems in your musculoskeletal system. Read the following tips to keep yourself protected from a back injury:

  • Keep a proper posture while you are sitting - Get seated with your back straight and adjust your chair in the comfortable position. Feet should be perfectly resting on the floor and knees bent to 90-degree angle. The strain on the body should be reduced as much as possible.
  • Provide the right support to the back - Airplane seats may be uncomfortable sometimes. Give your spine a natural position by placing a small cushion, towel or blanket behind your back. In addition to placing an object behind the back, keep your back in the reclined position to reduce pressure on your spine.
  • Give movement to your body after a short period - Prolonged static position for long hours can stiffen your muscles and can have a negative impact on your spine. Slight movement after regular intervals of 40 to 60 minutes will improve your condition. Stretch and move around for 10 minutes.
  • Handle Luggage correctly - Try to keep the load as minimum as possible. Use the correct technique to carry your luggage. Involve your complete body to lift your load and put little pressure on your spine.

Include some of the smart tasks and exercise in your travel schedule to keep yourself protected from injuries and enjoy your business travels.

If you need consultation regarding your back problem and musculoskeletal injuries, feel free to reach out to Light Chiropractic Singapore. Dr Theo has helped many patients get relieved of their spinal injuries. Check reviews and testimonials by our clients to learn the story about their treatment.


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